“Top 5 Things to Do this Week”—Chicago Magazine
“The 2012 List”— NewCity, Brian Hieggelke
“The play succeeds quite well in capturing that sense of nostalgia and loss that former team sports players have…a thought-provoking night of theater exploring characters and specific concerns that resonated with me personally in a way few other shows do, performed by an outstanding cast in a show tightly constructed and designed. A winner, in other words.”—NewCity, Brian Hieggelke
“[Dennis] Zacek is bone dry and amusing and [playwright] Still clearly intends us to wonder if he will be a force of redemption or destruction…all three of these actors are very capable players.”—Chicago Tribune, Chris Jones
“Funny moments (particularly a riff on the downfall of the Chevy, delivered by a superbly droll Zacek), and some nice bits of business (notably Zacek’s rendering of a tutorial on the drinking of Scotch…[Playwright] Still gives us some telling observations about the state of the job market these days.”—Chicago Sun-Times, Hedy Weiss
“I like the performances very much. James Still has written this character [Roy] as a stand-in for the American masses. Intriguing possibilities!”—WBEZ, Jonathan Abarbanel
“American Blues Theater’s world premiere by Emmy-winning, Pulitzer-nominated James Still boasts a sterling cast—perfectly calibrated in drive and desperation by the always excellent Sandy Shinner.”—Chicago Stage Style, Larry Bommer
“Dennis Zacek shows he still has his acting chops…Steve Key is solid as Cody…Howie Johnson steals much of the play because Roy is the most dominating of the three characters; he delivers a many-sided performance. Sandy Shinner’s direction makes the most of Still’s often sharp dialogue, and maximizes the flashpoint conflicts.”—Chicago Theater Review, Dan Zeff
“Stunningly accurate set [by Grant Sabin] that could easily be the home of a recluse, loner in the middle of rural America…the fight sequences [by Derek Gaspar and Chris Rickett] are done well and the props assembled by Eileen Rozycki are amazing.”—Around the Town Chicago, Alan Bresloff