Join the American Blues family for our annual picnic!

SUNDAY JULY 10, 2016
11AM – 3PM

Complimentary food and beverages.
Games. Oh, the competition is fierce.

What do I bring?
A side-dish, dessert, BYOB for specialty drinks, a blanket, spare clothes if you join the epic water battle.

What do I wear?
This is super casual! Shorts & tshirts.  Extra shirts for the mustard and ketchup stains.

Do I need to bring money?
Depends. The event, food, and beverages are all free.  However, American Blues Theater merchandise will be available – tshirts, car magnets, coffee mugs, and more.

Can I bring my toddler, mother-in-law, and next-door neighbor?
Sure! This picnic is open to all ages. It’s truly a family event.

Is there parking?
Yes, park on the street by Elliot Park.

Are there bathrooms?
Yep, City of Evanston provides facilities.

Is this secretly a time-share condo presentation?
You’re brilliant! We hadn’t thought of that revenue stream. Nah, we won’t hit you up for money until we’re at a fundraising event. This is a fun picnic. You can meet our artists, staff, Board of Directors, subscribers, and favorite supporters.

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