Read the rave reviews for historic pairing of Dutchman and TRANSit.

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Producing Artistic Director’s Note on DUTCHMAN / TRANSit

Producing Artistic Director’s Note on DUTCHMAN / TRANSit

Welcome to American Blues Theater’s 31st season.  Lauded American poet Robert Frost wrote, “Never be bullied into silence.  Never allow yourself to be made a victim.  Accept no one’s definition of your life; define yourself.” The unforgettable characters of our...

Community service is an honor and duty at Blues.

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About DUTCHMAN / TRANSit Artists

About DUTCHMAN / TRANSit Artists

WHO’S WHO IN THE CAST MANNY BUCKLEY (“Veronica” – TRANSit) is a proud Ensemble member of American Blues Theater. Most recently, Manny was seen in Looking Over the President’s Shoulder here at Blues and In the Heat of the Night (Shattered Globe Theater) as...
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