Nominate your beloved active or Veteran military personnel, including ROTC, for a “Soldier Spotlight” during our 2019 It’s a Wonderful Life: Live in Chicago! During each performance, we honor one service person with a short personal tribute, a projected photo, and two...
“Zach Kenney and the talented ensemble make this a holiday classic!” – Katy Walsh Seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, WGN, FOX, WXRT, WBEZ, WBBM, Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Chicago Magazine, Newcity, Chicago Reader, Timeout Chicago, Windy City Times, and...
Producing Artistic Director Gwendolyn (Wendy) Whiteside interviewed the three actors who play “George Bailey” (past, present, and future) in Blues’ It’s a Wonderful Life: Live in Chicago! [l to r – Ensemble members Jim Leaming, Kevin Kelly, and Artistic...