In a small town in the boonies of South Carolina, a closeted young man named George is trying to figure out how to keep his late father’s business running, only to be faced with a ghost from his youth. A young Muslim, who he knew as his boyhood lover Latif, has...
“You’ve got an overworked maitre d…a bartender bleeding all over the guests, a general manager who sits in the office all night because he DOESN’T KNOW WHAT THE F*^K HE’S DOING, and a chef who throws raw steaks at his sous chef.”...
“Selected for The Room in February and long before last month’s tragedies in Buffalo and Uvalde thrust America’s gun violence epidemic back into the national spotlight, Scott Organ’s 17 Minutes feels even more urgent than ever.” —...
Margaret is working two jobs to pay down her debt. During the day, she’s wading through office triviality at The Services Corporation, and by night, she’s working the drive-through of The Burg, a 24/7 fast food restaurant. Overtired, ungrounded, and...
Good intentions collide with absurd assumptions in MacArthur “Genius” Fellowship recipient Larissa FastHorse’s wickedly funny satire, as a troupe of terminally “woke” teaching artists scrambles to create a pageant that somehow manages to...
SYNOPSIS: Solo performer Ada Cheng explores how one learns womanhood, love, and abuse in different sociopolitical and cultural contexts through personal stories. An intense personal journey and autobiographical, this solo show weaves tales of breaking rules and broken...