Join us for our next Commons event! See The Oh Boys: “Back to Blues”, featuring Ensemble member Zachary Stevenson.
Saturday, January 4, 2025 @ 7:00 PM
The show runs approximately 75 minutes with no intermission. Following the concert, feel free to stay in the lobby and meet the musicians. Buy tickets IN PERSON ONLY. Suggested donation is $25 or pay-what-you-can.
Greetings from The Oh Boys – Chicago’s Best Loved Indie Rock Band*
It’s a New Year and The Oh Boys are back for one-night-only, intimate evening of music. Zachary Stevenson, Shaun Whitley, and Kieran McCabe are excited to return to the theater that brought them together in 2018. Formed in the spirit of Buddy Holly’s Crickets, The Oh Boys have been crafting, performing, leasing and subletting songs of their own.
This past year has witnessed The Oh Boys performing in Vancouver, Chicago, Philadelphia and even across the pond to Liverpool’s Cavern Club. Most recently, The Oh Boys were selected as Official Showcase Artists at the Folk Alliance Region Midwest in October. They released a Thanksgiving single “Dog-a-Bone” (
So come and lend your ears to The Oh Boys, live in stereophonic excellence, as they deliver an unforgettable evening of three part harmony, six string guitar, upright bass, sideways violin, AND drums. Listen to their music here: https://theohboys.bandcamp.
“The Oh Boys have a joyous energy to their songs and performances. Their unconventional combination of rockabilly, psychedelic rock, and doo-wop is refreshing!” – Jason Narducy (Verböten, Split Single, Superchunk)
The Oh Boys are:
Zachary Stevenson – guitar/vox
Shaun Whitley – bass/vox
Kieran McCabe – drums/vox
*Unsubstantiated Claim